Sandia Summer Institute

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Sandia’s Summer Institute: Technology and Policy Tools for Energy in an Uncertain World is a new cross-discipline week-long research program for top graduate students. Twenty select graduate students will collaborate in small teams, working side-by-side with leading scientists from Sandia. Participants will develop new career skills by solving challenging problems in a fast-paced, collegial work environment. The Institute addresses technical topics of national interest through hands-on projects using world-class facilities and is led by top scientists and engineers.
Students will have the opportunity to select from the following technical focus areas:
• Uncertainty Quantification in Predictive Simulation – Focus on Chemical Systems
Participants will work on the development and testing of uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods
for chemical systems of relevance in combustion.
• Measurement of Uncertainty in Biological systems – Focus on Biomass-to-Biofuels processes
Explore variability and uncertainty in the various steps for biomass-to-biofuels conversion.
• Managing Uncertainty in Policy Decisions – Focus on Electric Vehicle Adoption Drivers
Participants will develop computer models for consumer adoption of alternative-fuel vehicles.
• Measurement Uncertainty with Imaging Detectors – Focus on Optical Engine Diagnostics
Explore uncertainty in measurement of in-cylinder soot using 2-color optical pyrometry imaging in
a heavy-duty optical engine.
Interested in learning more or applying? Visit
Applications due March 15th. Housing, meals and transportation will be provided by Sandia for Institute